It’s officially mud season here at the farm. The pigs are thrilled. For those of us with loftier preferences, there’s a lot more than just mud to enjoy this month. Lambs, for instance!

The big news on the farm is that lambing season has begun (and goat kids are expected any day now!). If you are on social media, visit us @lumfarmllc for a near-daily dose of cuteness.

Or better yet, come visit the real thing! We’ve moved our mamas and babies to the north end of the farm for your viewing pleasure. Park by the farm stand and walk back down the driveway towards Crow Valley Rd. Bring a mug of hot chocolate, lean against the wooden rail fence, and get ready for a serious pandemic pick-me-up!

Farm Stand News
Hours: Thursdays - Saturdays, 2pm - 5:30 pm Order online 24/7 for contactless pickup any time.
Eggs: As indicated by the amount of chickens you need to dodge as you drive in, we are up to our eyeballs in eggs!! You can self-serve from the farm stand porch at any time ($7/dozen, or $6/dozen for pullets). If you’ve been pondering an egg subscription, now is a good time to sign up.

Egg subscribers pay monthly up front for a weekly dozen or two, and are assured that their eggs will always be waiting for them. It’s a nice way to know you’ll be getting those eggs, even as the island gets busy in the spring and summer. Email Mandy if you’d like more info.
NOTE: if you’ve subscribed for weekly eggs and need to skip a week or two, consider donating those eggs to the Food Bank. Just let Mandy know and she’ll deliver them for you.

An update from the Coolers:
Goat: many goat cuts (including ground and chorizo) are back in stock.
Lamb: We are rich in lamb… if you’ve been waiting for a particular cut, check our inventory list. We may well have it back in stock.
Beef: we have loads of ground, and an assortment of steaks and roasts.
Salmon: portions are out of stock, but we have plenty of fillets.
Goat Cheese and Spring Broilers:
Goat Cheese: Our goats are fixin’ to have some babies, but we still have Tomme and Feta in the farm stand. And don’t forget Cajeta…
Broilers: Amy just submitted the order for broiler chicks, and our first harvest will be in May. If you’ve bought broilers from us before, you’re on the list. We’ll send you more info this Spring. If you’d like to be on the list, let Mandy know at
Ducks: We are doing a test run of ducks in May as well! If you’re interested, let us know.
Farm Stand Gifts

We pretty much broke the internet with this photo that Lucy took in the lamb barn last week. It’s probably a good opportunity to remind you that we have “Farm Photo Cards” for sale at the farm stand: $4 each or 6 for $20. We had some requests for this particular photo, so have some larger wall-decor prints on the way!
Another new offering at the farm stand are these wool nesting balls. Set them outside for wild birds to glean wool for their nest-making this spring. Mandy thinks they are a perfect Valentine’s gift — nothing says “I love you” like “build a nest with me” (insert teenage daughter eye-rolling here). $10 each.

Island Pop Ups
Finally, we’d like to give a shout-out to a couple new partnerships we have been enjoying.
Sunday Supper Pop Up is a new venture by Chef Kaitlin and partner Cat. Their menu features Lum Farm meats, and we love Kaitlin’s enthusiasm for local farm-fresh ingredients. We recommend the lamb meatballs, if you can nab them before they sell out! Sundays at Oddfellows Hall - Click here for more info.

Sunday Supper Popup's lamb meatballs
Pasta Underground is also offering takeout this Feb. 10 & 11 at Oddfellows. Spaghetti, ravioli (on Wednesdays) and more! We recommend the Tagliatelle Pastor — fresh pasta with house-made sausage, red sauce and cream. Call or text 360-298-5879 for more info.
And finally, we are pleased to be hosting Emmy Gran of Fabled Flora this Spring and Summer at the farm stand. She is currently taking orders for a flower CSA. Pick up will be at the farm stand. We are most certain that this burst of added beauty will be a win win for everyone involved! Click here for more info.

As usual, we offer deep gratitude for the way you support our farm and community! Please come visit, and we look forward to being in touch again soon, with a promise to feature many photos of baby goats!