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Lum Farm Holiday Tree Sale


Thursday-Sunday, 11-4pm

** Open Monday 12/23, 11-4pm**

**Self Serve Tuesday 12/14** 

1071 Crow Valley Road


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12/23 Update: 

Yes, we still have trees in a variety of types and sizes. They are available by donation, so please come and choose a tree and pay what you can. 


Do you have trees left?



What types of trees do you have? 

Noble Fir, Douglas Fir, Nordmann, Fraiser, Norway Spruce, all sourced from Alpine Meadows farm in Deming, WA.


How much do they cost? 

Depending on the size and height, trees start at $35 for a 2-3 footer and up. A 6-7' Noble will run you $125 (tax not included). NOTE: We don't want anyone to miss out due to lack of funds. There are gift certificates for trees at the Orcas Community Resource Center.


When are You Open? 

Thursday - Sunday, 11-4pm. Please do not come outside of those hours, as we have many chores to catch up on! 


Do you have wreaths? 

We do not. However, there are a number options on the island for wreaths: On Orcas, Warm Valley Farm, Tekla Farms and the Little Farm are all good options. 


Can I Bring My Dog?

Please leave your dog at home or in your vehicle. Anyone who has visited Lum Farm knows we have already reached our quota of canine choas. 


Special thanks to Eric for making the trek off island (twice) to make sure we have trees on the island! 

 How to Care for Your Farm-Grown 

Christmas Tree


Use lots of water!!! 

Once home, place the tree in water as soon as possible. If needed, trees can be stored for several days in a cool location. Place the freshly cut trunk 

in a bucket that is kept full of water.


Putting your tree in a stand: 

• Don’t whittle the sides of the trunk down to fit a stand. 

• Make a fresh cut to remove a 1/2-inch thick disk of wood from the base of the trunk before putting the tree in the stand. (We can do that for you at the farm)

Check the stand daily and add water if needed.


Watch the temperature:

• Keep trees away from major sources of heat (fireplaces, heaters, heat vents, direct sunlight).

• Always turn off the tree lights when leaving the house or when going to bed.



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